Asta Powerproject version 17.1.1 release notes
This topic lists the new features that have been introduced, and the issues that have been addressed, in the Asta Powerproject version 17.1.1 release.
DevOps Work Item | N/A | ||||
Category | General | ||||
Summary | Asta Powerproject now available via subscription. | ||||
Description | From this release onwards, Asta Powerproject is now available via subscription. This means more frequent releases, with new features being made available more frequently than before. |
DevOps Work Item | N/A | ||||
Category | General | ||||
Summary | Apply colours to the tabs that identify the views you have open. | ||||
Description |
You can now apply colouring to the tabs that identify the views you have open. This makes it easier to identify which views belong to which project when you have more than one project open at the same time.
If you use tab colouring, you can apply a different default tab colour to each project, which makes it easier to identify which views belong to which project when you have more than one project open at the same time. You can also specify a different colour for each view category which overrides the project's default tab colour. |
DevOps Work Item | N/A | ||||
Category | General | ||||
Summary | Use a project timeline to display an overview of a project. | ||||
Description |
You can use a project timeline to display a visual summary of a project. Timelines give you an easy way of reporting the progress of a project at a high level to stakeholders who do not want - or need - to view detailed information about a project.
You choose which tasks and milestones to add to the timeline. Adding those tasks and milestones that give a good overall picture of the project - for example, key summary tasks and milestones - can be a good approach.
You format the timeline using a new range of timeline formatting controls, which appear on the Format tab of the Ribbon when you click in the timeline. |
DevOps Work Item | N/A | ||||
Category | General | ||||
Summary | Break down tasks into smaller steps using task activities. | ||||
Description |
You can now use task activities to break down tasks into smaller units of work. Rather than adding additional tasks to a schedule, which adds to its complexity, you can have one task in a project that is broken down into subtasks by task activities.
Task activities also enable you to monitor the progress of work that cannot be easily sequenced. For example, in a new housing development you may have four driveways that need to be tarmacked, where only one drive can be worked on at a time but you do not know the order in which the driveways will be worked on. You can use task activities to model this situation in your projects.
If you need to assign the same set of task activities to a number of tasks, you can save those task activities as a task activity template. For example, you may have a commonly-used set of Plastering task activities, or Concreting task activities. You can then add the template's task activities to any number of tasks without having to create each individual task activity for each task. |
DevOps Work Item | N/A | ||||
Category | General | ||||
Summary | Configure Asta Powerproject to save the active project automatically. | ||||
Description |
You can now configure Asta Powerproject to save the project you are currently working on automatically. If you do this, Asta Powerproject saves the active project according to the period you specify - for example, every five minutes - without you having to save the project manually.
You configure Asta Powerproject to save automatically using the new Save every x minutes check box on the General tab of the Options dialog. |
DevOps Work Item | N/A | ||||
Category | Task work | ||||
Summary | Specify materials when recording task work details. | ||||
Description |
You can now specify the appropriate material when recording details of task work against tasks. This is useful if you model tasks in terms of task work without using resources. For example, a task may require 600 cubic metres of concrete; or 50 metres of electrical wire. Before this release, you could record the amount of task work, the work unit and the work rate, but not the material; you can now record the material too.
You record details of the materials that are used in task work using a new 'Materials' library that has been added to Library Explorer.
You record details of the material involved in task work using the new Task work material field that has been added to the 'Effort & Modelling' group of fields on the Task tab of the Bar and Task Properties dialog.
A new 'Task work material' field has been added. You can display this field in the spreadsheet, and use it to sort/group views.
A new Materials field has been added to the Task Work page of the Filter Wizard, enabling you to filter for tasks with task work relating to one or more specific materials. |
DevOps Work Item | N/A | ||||
Category | Task work | ||||
Summary | Specify a default allocation rate against tasks that overrides permanent resource default work rates. | ||||
Description |
The default work rate for each permanent resource is defined on the permanent resource record. All new allocations of a permanent resource are assigned this work rate by default. In some circumstances - for example, in manufacturing - it can be more appropriate to record the work rate against each individual task rather than against different resources. For example, a 'Produce glass pane' task or a could have a particular work rate - perhaps set by the machinery that is used - regardless of the resource that is assigned to the task.
Before this release, to cater for this situation you had to either edit the resource's work rate before assigning it to the task, or edit the resource allocation work rate after having assigned the resource to the task.
You can now specify a default allocation rate against individual tasks, using the Default allocation rate field that has been added to the 'Effort & Modelling' fields, on the Task tab of the Bar and Task Properties dialog. If you specify a default allocation rate against a task, this work rate is applied to any permanent resource allocations that are assigned subsequently to the task, overriding the permanent resource's default work rate. |
DevOps Work Item | N/A | ||||
Category | Task work | ||||
Summary | Schedule logistics using Quantity From Task modelled resources. | ||||
Description |
Before this release, although you could define the amount of materials used in a project using task work, you could not carry out any calculations on the materials required for logistics purposes. For example, if a task used 300m3 of concrete, you could not easily calculate how many lorries would be needed to bring the concrete onto site.
You can now use Quantity From Task modelled consumable resources to calculate the number of consumable resources that are required for logistics purposes. For example:
DevOps Work Item | N/A | ||||
Category | Permanent resource allocations | ||||
Summary | Combine resources' work rates when using 'Work From Task' modelled resource allocations. | ||||
Description |
Before this release, if a permanent resource allocation used the 'Work From Task' modelling method, it was always considered to be working on its own: it was considered to be performing all the work, and any other allocations of the same type on the task were also considered to be performing all the work. Regardless of how many allocations were assigned to a task, the calculated parameter - for example, the task duration - was calculated from the allocation with the slowest work rate.
You can now combine work rates when modelling resources using the 'Work From Task' method. This is useful if you have two allocations of the same type of resource working together to complete a task. For example, you might have two roofers working together to tile a roof. You do this by selecting the Combine work rate check box that has been added to the Assignment tab of the Permanent Resource Properties dialog, and to the Modelling tab of the Permanent Allocation Properties dialog. This check box appears when you set the modelling type to 'Work From Task'.
If you select this check box for two or more permanent resource allocations on a task, their work rates are combined for the purposes of resource modelling, provided that the allocations:
Issue | DevOps: 1397; Test Track Pro: 33445 | ||||
Category | Asta Powerproject 4D | ||||
Summary | IFC model loses IFC product search associations intermittently. | ||||
Description | A customer reported that although IFC product searches worked as expected, in some cases the associations between products in an IFC model and the corresponding tasks in a project were lost. | ||||
Resolution | The products in the IFC model were defined as part of both an IfcRelVoidsElement relationship (negative space) and an IfcRelAggregates relationship (positive space) so were being generated twice in Asta Powerproject 4D, once hidden and once visible. Positive IfcOpeningElements are now suppressed so only the hidden copies are generated, which resolves this issue. |
TTP Issue | 22373 | ||||
Category | Printing | ||||
Summary | Specify user access rights for print profiles. | ||||
Description | A customer requested that it be possible to specify user access rights for print profiles, and for print profiles to be available in Library Explorer. | ||||
Resolution |
You can now specify user access rights over print profiles. You may want to do this to prevent certain users from being able to create, edit or delete some or all print profiles. You specify user access rights over print profiles using the Library Access Rights tab of the Security Group Properties dialog, where 'Print Profile' now appears in the library hierarchy.
You can specify user access rights over all print profiles, or over individual print profiles. User-specific print profiles do not appear in the library hierarchy, as these print profiles are always available to the user that created them.
As part of this change, it is now possible to create, edit and delete print profiles using Library Explorer, and a new Print Profile Properties dialog has been introduced. You can use this dialog to view and edit the properties of print profiles. The dialog is similar to the existing Print dialog, except that the Preview and Print buttons are absent, and the Print profile group of fields on the Details tab are unavailable. |
TTP Issue | 31600 | ||||
Category | Reschedule/Security groups | ||||
Summary | Configure reschedule access rights at the level of individual charts. | ||||
Description | Before this release, you could only configure 'reschedule' access rights across the whole portfolio of projects: it was not possible to enable users to reschedule some charts in the hierarchy, but prevent them from rescheduling others. This could result in users accidentally rescheduling charts for which other users were responsible. | ||||
Resolution | It is now possible to configure reschedule access rights at the level of individual charts, using the Reschedule check box that has been added to the Chart Access Rights tab of the Security Group Properties dialog. If you select this check box for a project or chart, members of the security group are able to reschedule tasks in that chart; if you clear the check box, they are prevented from doing so. |
TTP Issue | 32711 | ||||
Category | Baselines | ||||
Summary | Thread error when attempting to import an invalid file as a baseline. | ||||
Description | Before this release, when importing a project as a baseline, you were able to select a file of a format that cannot be imported before accessing the Baseline Import Options dialog, and if you continued from there, a thread error resulted. | ||||
Resolution | It is no longer possible to select a file of a format that cannot be imported when importing a project as a baseline. |
TTP Issue | 32832 | ||||
Category | Dialogs | ||||
Summary | Dialog errors when editing the attributes of fields. | ||||
Description | Before this release, the Attributes dialog, which you use to specify parameters for fields you have chosen to display in the bar chart or in the calendar view, did not display the names of some fields, and some long date formats, correctly. | ||||
Resolution | The Attributes dialog now displays the names of all fields correctly. If you have configured Asta Powerproject to use a date format that is too long to fit in a field on the Attributes dialog, the dialog now displays dates in a short format. |
TTP Issue | 32978 | ||||
Category | Asta Powerproject 4D | ||||
Summary | Moving vertical dropline moves jerkily in timeline videos. | ||||
Description | Before this release, if you created a timeline video that included a display of the timeline - a date scale - the moving vertical dropline, or 'now line' moved jerkily in the finished video if the timeline interval was configured using a calendar in which non-working time was folded out. The use of such a calendar to set the timeline interval resulted in the timeline video folding out - ie not displaying - non-working time, but the non-working time still being displayed in the timeline date scale itself. | ||||
Resolution | If you configure the timeline interval using a calendar in which non-working time is folded out, non-working time is no longer displayed in the timeline date scale, so the moving vertical dropline now moves smoothly from left to right in timeline videos. Note that only the non-working time between the end of the last working shift in one day and the start of the first working shift in the next day is folded out; that this applies only to timelines that are less than 2 years in duration; that daily lunch breaks are not folded out; and that complex shifts are not catered for. |
TTP Issue | 33087 | ||||
Category | Histogram view | ||||
Summary | Vertical shading cannot be turned off in the standalone histogram view. | ||||
Description | If you use the fields on the Shading tab of the Date Zone Properties dialog to shade the bar chart between two dates, the shading applies to histograms as well as to the bar chart, even when histograms are displayed in a standalone histogram view. You can use the Vertical shading display switch, in the Show/Hide group, on the Format tab of the Ribbon, to toggle the vertical shading on and off. However, before this release, the Vertical shading display switch did not affect the standalone histogram view, which meant that there was no way to toggle vertical shading on and off in this view. Although you could add the Vertical shading control to the Format group of the Ribbon's Histogram Tools tab, the control was unavailable when viewing a standalone histogram view. | ||||
Resolution | If you customise the Ribbon and add the Vertical shading control to the Format group of the Ribbon's Histogram Tools tab, you can now use this control to toggle vertical shading on and off in a standalone histogram view. The control also works when viewing a standalone histogram view when it is added to the Object Edit toolbar. |
TTP Issue | 33207 | ||||
Category | Dialogs | ||||
Summary | Style dropdown remains on screen when you click away from it. | ||||
Description | Before this release, the Style dropdown, on the Grids tab of the Date Zone Properties dialog, remained on screen when you clicked away from it, obscuring part of the Date Zone Properties dialog. | ||||
Resolution | The Style dropdown, on the Grids tab of the Date Zone Properties dialog, now disappears when you click away from it. |
TTP Issue | 33254 | ||||
Category | Quality checks | ||||
Summary | New quality metric to identify tasks that have no outgoing links from the end of the task. | ||||
Description | A customer requested that a new quality metric be added to Asta Powerproject, to check for tasks that have no outgoing links from their end. | ||||
Resolution | A new 'Link activity finishes' quality metric has been added. Any task that has no outgoing links from its end - including any links that do not exist but are implied by later tasks that are positioned on the same bar - will fail the quality metric. You can specify that a single task with no outgoing links should be allowed, so that the last task in a logically-linked chain - which would not be expected to have any outgoing links - does not fail the quality metric. This new quality metric helps you to ensure that the link logic of your projects is correct. |
TTP Issue | 33335 | ||||
Category | Bar chart | ||||
Summary | Asta Powerproject 4D crashes if you enter a decimal value when configuring a variable date grid line. | ||||
Description | Before this release, if you tried to configure a vertical grid line in the bar chart using a variable date as the time unit and an decimal value such as '1.5' or '2.25' as the interval, Asta Powerproject would crash. | ||||
Resolution | If you attempt to enter a decimal value as the interval with a variable date as the time unit when configuring a vertical grid line, Asta Powerproject now displays a message informing you that decimal values are not allowed in this field, and the date reverts temporarily to the 'date zero'. |
TTP Issue | 33394 | ||||
Category | Asta Powerproject 4D | ||||
Summary | Asta Powerproject 4D freezes when selecting IFC products in the IFC Model pane. | ||||
Description | A customer reported that Asta Powerproject 4D would freeze when they selected certain IFC products within an IFC model in the IFC model pane. | ||||
Resolution | The issue that caused Asta Powerproject 4D to freeze when certain IFC products were selected has been addressed. |
TTP Issue | 33406 | ||||
Category | Asta Powerproject 4D | ||||
Summary | Products with more than one associated task are given the wrong appearance in timeline simulations. | ||||
Description |
Products in an IFC model can be associated with more than one task, each task having a different code assigned to represent the trade that will carry it out. Before this release, if you used an IFC simulation profile to specify how products are 'built' in a timeline simulation, with no colour specified in the Build colour field on the IFC Simulation Profile Properties dialog, products with more than one associated task were displayed using the background colour of the first task's code assignment all the way through the timeline simulation, rather than using the background colour of each task as it was encountered in the timeline.
Before this release, when a timeline simulation was not being run, products with more than one associated task were displayed using the background colour of whichever of the tasks' assigned codes had the highest internal object ID. As the internal object ID is not editable, this meant that it was not possible to specify which code should be used to colour multi-task products. |
Resolution |
If you use an IFC simulation profile to specify how products are 'built' in a timeline simulation, with no colour specified in the Build colour field on the IFC Simulation Profile Properties dialog, products with more than one associated task are now displayed in timeline simulations using the background colour of each task's code assignment in turn, as each task is encountered in the timeline. For example, if a product is associated with 'Build Wall', 'Plaster Wall' and 'Paint Wall' tasks, the product is now displayed firstly using the background colour of the 'Build Wall' task's code; then using the background colour of the 'Plaster Wall' task's code; and finally using the background colour of the 'Paint Wall' task's code.
Now, when a timeline simulation is not being run, products with more than one associated task are displayed using the background colour of whichever assigned code has the highest sort order. As the sort order of codes is editable, this means that you can now specify which code is used to colour multi-task products. |